The Study and Application of Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry on Semi-volatile Organic Compounds Analysis in Aerosols 电喷雾解吸电离质谱技术在大气气溶胶分析中的应用研究
Method of deducting contamination caused by drill oil-based fluid in organic geochemical analysis of borehole core 钻探油基泥浆对岩芯有机地化分析中污染的扣除方法研究
The organic geochemistry analysis shows that the average organic carbon abundance is 1. 62%. 有机地球化学分析表明烃源岩有机碳含量平均达1.62%;
Organic spectroscopic analysis, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Chromatographic Analysis are three important courses for studies in Pharmacy. 有机光谱分析与药物分析和药物色谱分析组成药学专业本科教学的三大重要专业课程。
Research and Application of Organic Analysis in Geological Survey 地质调查中有机物分析方法研究及应用
Organic Synthesis, Organic Catalysis, Organic Structure Analysis, Green Chemistry. 有机合成,有机催化,有机结构分析,绿色化学。
Several extraction methods for organic pollutants analysis in water sample were introduced, and further discussion on their detection limit and sensitivity was also developed. 摘要综述水中有机污染物富集与分离方法的原理、优缺点、适用条件,探讨各种分析方法的检测限和灵敏度。
Anatomic and Organic Geochemical Analysis of Fossil Plants from the Late Miocene in Eastern Zhejiang Province, China 浙东晚中新世植物解剖学与有机地球化学综合分析
Application of AAS in organic analysis(ⅵ) determination of hydrocyanic acid in cigarette 原子吸收法在有机分析中的应用(Ⅵ)香烟中氢氰酸的分析
The combustion process is a very important and more difficult step to handle in the organic elemental analysis. 燃烧过程是有机元素分析中十分重要而又较难把握的一个步骤。
Factors affecting the combustion process of the organic elemental analysis 有机元素分析中影响燃烧过程的因素
Application of Supercritical Fluid Extraction in Organic Pollutant Analysis in China 超临界流体萃取技术在我国有机污染分析中的应用
Risk Decision-making in Geology Application of Organic Analysis in Geology 地理学中的风险型决策问题有机分析在地学中的应用
With regards to systematic analysis, standard analysis method and organic pollutants analysis etc, it describes application of GC/ MS in monitoring drinking, surface, underground water and Substratum. 从系统分析、标准分析方法和有机污染物分析等方面出发,描述了气相色谱/质谱联机系统在饮用水、地表水、底质和地下水等环境监测中的应用。
Development, Problems and Thinking about Organic Enclosure Analysis Method 有机包裹体分析方法进展及其问题和思考
Pretreatment methods of organic compound analysis in water 水样中痕量有机物分析的前处理方法
Progress in Micro-Organic Analysis I Quantitative 有机微量分析的新进展Ⅰ定性分析
Organic petrological analysis, Eval-Rock pyrolysis and 13C NMR analysis have been carried out on shale, carbonaceous shale and coal samples. 对侏罗纪煤系中的暗色泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤层分别进行了有机岩石学、ROCKEVAL热解分析和核磁共振分析。
The organic analysis of Jurassic lacustrine and deltaic source rocks in middle Tianshan basins shows that different sedimentary microfacies source rocks have different geochemistry characteristics. 中天山盆地群侏罗系湖相与三角洲相烃源岩的有机地球化学分析表明,不同沉积微相烃源岩具有不同的地球化学特征;
Preparation of Anisic Acid to used as a Standard Reference Material for Elemental Organic Analysis 有机元素微量分析标准物质&茴香酸的研制
The factors affecting the combustion process of the organic elemental analysis and the controlling methods are introduced. 本文介绍了有机元素分析中影响燃烧过程的因素及控制方法。
Recent research progress on organic analysis& recent progress on the analysis of single atom, single molecule and single cell 有机分析研究进展&单原子、单分子、单细胞的分析进展
Study of Organic Pollutants Analysis in Drinking Water in Daqing Area 大庆地区饮用水中有机污染物分析技术研究
Designing and Performance of a High Resolution Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer for Organic Analysis 一种有机分析高分辨双聚焦质谱计的设计和性能
Based on the course& Organic Analysis, this paper explores the reform outline of agricultural graduate basic courses, as well as some specific projects which guarantee the advancement and originality of the course content and system. 该文以《有机分析》课程为例,探讨高等农林院校研究生基础课程的改革思路,提出确保课程内容与体系的前沿性和适用性、增强实验课程的开放创新性等改革方案。
The recent advance on the design and develpment of chemiluminescence-based sensors and biosensors and its applications in inorganic and organic analysis, pharmaceutical and clinical analysis are reviewed. 综述近年来基于化学发光的传感器和生物传感器的设计与发展及其在无机分析、有机分析、药物分析以及临床检验中的应用进展。
These ligands which coordinate with transition metal in suitable solvent and washings by water, can be synthesized 10 coordination compounds. Their compositions are asserted by elementary organic analysis, ICP emission spectrum 、 differential thermal gravimetric analysis. 配体在适当的溶剂中与过渡金属配合,然后经水洗涤,得到10个配合物,经过元素分析、ICP发射光谱分析、热失重分析确定了它们的组成。
Organic multi-component analysis was carried out by sensitive color development reaction combined with multiple linear regression. 采用多元回归法系统研究了灵敏显色反应用于无机多组分分析。
The Application of UV-Spectrophotometry in Organic Analysis by Two Wavelengths 双波长紫外分光度法在有机分析中的应用